NOTE TO READER FROM THE AUTHOR'S PARENT- Jack wrote this on a Saturday, essentially from start to finish (minus snacks and bathroom breaks.) It would likely be rated PG-13 if it were to be made into a film. The spelling, punctuation, syntax and "note to reader" within the story are the author's own. This is 100% his own work minus the copy/pasting help to get it into his blog and the formatting of the "scoreboard" that he requested. Enjoy the adventure.
Guns, Grit, Batman, and Robin
By Jack Cummins and inspired by the work of Bob Kane and Bill Finger
The sedan pulled up to the apartment. Out of the car came out two men, their faces shadowed by their pulled down hats. "Why'd ya bring us here, boss?" One of them said. "So you can "loot" the apartment, idiot." " yeah." "Let's go do the job already." 3 more men got out of the sedan. One of them closed the door. "I'll be waitin'." The boss said. "Now let's move it". The first one said. The 5 gangsters walked over to the fire escape. One of them jumped up to the ladder and pulled it down. "C'mon." He said. They all climbed the ladder up to the balcony on the highest level of the building. They swung there selves over the balcony 2 at a time, then for the last man, 1 at a time. They slowly opened the balcony door silently and then slowly and silently closed it. The men had specially trained ears, so they were able to hear the soft and almost silent sighs of the sleeping victims. Two men silently inched quickly toward one bedroom, one towards another, and two to another bedroom. The first two opened the door. The Wife of the man in the bedroom popped up on one elbow, faced the gangsters, and said,” Oh, Jonathan, take care of your--- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The man suddenly pointed a gun at her which made her scream. It suddenly woke her Husband up. Just then the Kids’s bedroom door opened and the baby started crying and the 4 year old starting screaming repeatedly, “MAMA!!!” Just then the teenage girl’s door was opened and she screamed. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Meanwhile in the other room the one gangster said “Shut up, kid!” In the other room, the two gangsters said the same thing. The first two gangsters ran over to the Husband and Wife, grabbed them with an air-taking grip( I made up the word, which means the grip was so strong that it took the air from them.), and walked them over to the living room. One of the gangsters ran over to the kids room and said, “c’mon!” The one gangster in the kid’s room did the same as the two men in the parent’s bedroom. The two gangsters in the teenage girl’s room were told the same as in the kid’s bedroom and did the same as the other men previously. They all walked into the living room. 4 out of 5 of the gangsters got their guns out and held it at the family’s necks. The most experienced of the “loot team” was the one who was the leader of this “apartment loot” raid team. This man was the one who did not have his gun out. What he said was: “ Now, you people might be wondering what you’re doing here in your apartment here, He got right up close to the 4 year old’s face and said, your Daddy’s a Millionaire, is he or not?” The 4 yar old said, “Yes” in a shaky and scared voice. He got out of the 4 year old’s face and said, “Well, that’s the Reason we’re here, Because he’s made Millions of dollars an’ we want em’.” He faced the dad and said, “Where’s the money?” The dad said, “ How should I know?.” The gangster laughed, turned for a spilt-second, then reared and slapped the dad.”TELL ME!!!!!” The gangster slapped him again, then again, and again, and one more time. The leader of the gangsters reared back one more time and then reared back to slap him. Just as the hit was going to come down, The dad with the blood on his face yelled, “Wait!!” “Okay, I’ll tell you.” He pointed to a painting. “ There’s a (Gasp) wall safe( Gasp) behind that painting.” “The safe code is 1...4....19...7.” The lead gangster went over to the painting, removed it, and did the dial code: 1,4,1,9,7. The safe clicked and the lead gangster opened the safe, removed the briefcase, and closed the safe, and then turned the dial to 7, then to 9, to 1, to 4, and finally to 1. He walked over and set the briefcase down, and clicked the dials open, and opened the briefcase.
Meanwhile, as the lead gangster walked over to the safe and removed the briefcase, other events were taking place outside. This is what happened: The driver waited in the car. As he chewed on a cigar, there was a nearby rooftop. On top of that rooftop, there was a man enclosed in darkness. He watched from this rooftop and sighted his quarry. He got up from his crouching position, took 4 steps back, then ran forward and leaped off the roof. He flipped in mid-air and landed on the roof of the car. The Thump was heard by the driver. He stuck his head out of the window and looked up, but seconds before that the man rolled away, so he was out of sight. The driver returned to the frontseat of the car. The man on the roof of the car took out a gun from his pocket and shot down through the roof twice. BANG! BANG! The man screamed in pain. The man rolled over to the other edge of the roof, clasped his hands on the edge of the car, and swung into the car. He took out a curved knife and one of his guns, and then
NOTE: this scene has so much intense and violent content that it has been chosen to have been skipped.
After the job was done to the driver the man got out of the car, put his weapons back in his Pocket Weapons Cache, and jumped up to the apartment and, silently, quickly, and stealthily, he moved up the roof as quick as a panther. He jumped up to the metal bars of the balcony, flipped onto the balcony, and leaped far through the glass windows and into the apartment.
Inside the apartment, right when the man jumped through, the lead gangster was looking at the money. When the man jumped in, the men immediately started firing. The man flipped through, and with the blink of an eye, was already up and sprinting like a bullet towards one of the gangsters. He quickly ran up close to the same gangster, knocked the gun out of his hand, gripped his head, pulled it down, and kicked the neck of the gangster. Because of the pressure on the neck, the neck was snapped. SNAP! The man backflipped as the other man fell down dead. He did the exact same move and backflip on another gangster. another gangster he shot once in both Lungs, which killed him, and another he grabbed, stabbed in the chest, pulled the knife out of his chest, threw him through the balcony window, was hit in the face by the bars on the balcony, then thrown over the balcony to his death on the sidewalk below. The man walked through the broken glass and into the living room. and then, suddenly, the leader of the gangsters flew out from behind the couch and fired. The man fired back. The man fired 16 shots, and the other man fired 12 shots, so the 4 equaling 12 + 4 =16 means that the lead gangster was shot 4 times. When he was dead, the man went over to the family, and pulled out two guns. “Who are you?” The mom asked. “The Cause of your death” the man replied in a strong German accent. Then he raised his guns, and fired repeatedly 8 times. When he was done, the Shwarch family was gone from this world.
Chapter 1.
After the gang battle, The man took the briefcase and left the building by the balcony by leaping off the balcony. He landed on the same roof that he jumped onto the car from. he then hitched a ride on a Black 1931 Cadillac. When it passed by Green-Wood Cemetery by chance, the man jumped off the car and into the cemetery. He put on Night-Vision glasses which could make people see Infra-red in the dark. He navigated his way through the cemetery for about 15 minutes. Since he knew this cemetery, he knew all locations in the cemetery by heart. After that 15 minutes, he found the Mausoleum he was looking for. He walked to the mausoleum and looked around to make sure that no one was looking. Seeing that he was alone, he turned and unlocked the door. He went into the mausoleum and tapped twice on an edge of the mausoleum. It came apart, revealing an elevator being illuminated by a blue light. He stepped in and the doors closed. The elevator flew down through 6 million feet of Earth. It took only 15 seconds to fly down. The elevator stopped. The elevator doors opened, and the man walked into a dome of metal. He walked over to a big leather chair and sat down. He turned in the chair and picked up the Daily Globe. He Always picked up the Daily Globe. He flipped through it until he found an article that looked interesting. The article said:
He read about how the Millionaire James Blaire would make a speech in 7 days about the U.S. must not help Europe in their war against the Axis forces of Germany, Japan, and Italy. “Perfect chance to disrupt and kill a powerful man.” He said. And with that, he closed the paper and headed for his bedroom and went to sleep.
When the police arrived at the apartment, the first thing they saw was the man laying on the sidewalk, blood oozing out of him. Then they noticed the bloodied and scarred man with his hand hanging out of the car window. They then entered the building and inspected every room in the apartment. On the lower floors of the building and middle floors of the building they found nothing, but when they got to the highest floor they opened the door and were shocked at how many dead bodies there were. They also found the blood on the bars of the balcony. They made a report and carried the dead bodies down to the sidewalk. They called 10 ambulances for the 10 bodies from the apartment lobby phone. When the 10 ambulances arrived, the police loaded the bodies into the Ambulances and the ambulances went to the hospital.
Chapter 2.
The next morning, at 7:00, The Dad’s business acquatainces Released in a public announcement that the dad had died the previous night in a break-in. The world was shocked that this man who was known worldwide was dead. Simply gone, not there anymore. After the announcement Daily Globe press writers raced to get the breaking news out on paper. Luckily Bobill Fiane, a Canadian-Turkish writer, got the story out. That day, Bruce Wayne sat down in his Armchair to read the Daily Globe when he suddenly saw the headline:
When Bruce saw the headline and read it, he read the article and was immediately interested and yelled, “Dick!” Young Dick Grayson hurried into the room. “Look at this,” he said. Dick quickly read the article and after he read it said, “Who could have broken into the house?” “I don’t know, Dick, but we’re going to find out as Batman!” “And Robin!” Dick said.
That night, Bruce got dressed as Batman and Dick got dressed as Robin at the same time. Then they both got into Batman’s high-powered car and drove into New York.
Chapter 3.
The car pulled up 1 block away from the apartment. Batman and Robin got out of the car. They both shut their doors behind them and then jogged over to a building. Batman removed his silk rope from his belt and Robin removed his. They both threw their ropes up to a high building. They then climbed the building up to the rooftop. They both removed their ropes from the edge of the rooftop and threw them to the adjacent apartment. They took 2 steps back, then ran forward and swung into the building by crashing through the window. They quickly removed both of their ropes and put them away. Batman took out a flashlight and searched around in the living room. He saw some dry blood on the couch. “What is it?” he said to himself. “Robin, come over here.” Batman said. Robin came over and examined it. “It looks like dry blood” he said. Batman got out a knife and cut the piece of the couch with the dry blood on it. He cut off a piece of the couch and cut the top, using it as a pouch. Batman put the piece of the couch inside the pouch and got up. “ You found any more evidence, Robin?” Batman said. “Nope” Robin replied. “ Then let’s go” Batman said. Just as they were about to leave and were walking over to the broken window 12 men burst in through the balcony window. They had a bomb with them. The Dynamic Duo were trapped.
Chapter 4.
The men pointed their Tommy guns at Batman and Robin. “Hello, Batman, you infringin’ on people’s private property again?” one of the gangsters said. “ So you want to play, eh?” the Batman said. “Get em’” one of the gangsters said. All twelve gangsters fired a spray of Tommy Gun bullets at Batman and Robin. Batman removed a glass pellet full of gas from his belt, Batman and Robin both held their breath, and Batman threw the glass pellet on the ground. Gas shot out of the pellet. “I’m chokin’!” one man said. Other men said similar things, such as, “ Gas!”, “What’s happenin’?!”, and, “Gas...Chokin’...Me!” “ Stay here, Robin” Batman said. Then he did a daring thing, he jumped right into the gas fumes. Seconds later he came out with the bomb. “C’mon, Robin, Batman said, and they jumped right out of the window and onto the car roof.
They got into the car and immediately opened a hatch in the bomb and got his knife out.
Then he cut the main cords which there colors were: white, red, and blue. The countdown timer on the bomb stopped at 2:00= 2 seconds. Then the police siren came blazing right at them and they noticed the Batman and Robin. “Batman, stand down!” One man said. “Robin, time to go”, Batman said. The car blazed off, with the police cars in pursuit.
Chapter 5.
The first thing Batman noticed as an escape route was a narrow, nearby alleyway. Batman sped off into the alley. “Car 5, Enter into alleyway right ahead on opposite side of Washington Street” the Police captain radioed to the driver of police car 5. Police car 5 turned into the alley as the other car turned and sped forward also to crush the Dynamic Duo’s car. Right as the collision was about to happen Batman surged his foot forward on the gas pedal so hard that gas from the car shot out of the car. Batman lifted the steering wheel up and the car leaped into the air. The car landed behind the other car and the 2 police cars hit in a head-on collision. Batman’s car swerved out of the alley. “Car 3, take down the Batman by tracking him down from behind” the police captain radioed to Police car 3. Car 3 immediately sped off after the Batman’s car. The car was speeding up fast. Right when it was about to capture the Batman’s car the Batman stopped the car suddenly. When police car 3 was driving by and the Batman’s car was right next to it the Batman swerved his car and hit police car 3 with a loud Thwack! And a loud Bang! At the same time. The police car went careening into a lamp post. “Car 2, you’re coming with me” the police captain radioed to Police car 2. And with that, Police car 1 and Police car 2 sped off after the Batman. They drove on the opposite side of Washington Street from the batman. What the street looked like was this: There was a street. In the middle of the street was a dead end, with one way to get out of it. The way to get out of the dead end was that there was an alleyway. If you went through it you would be on the same street but on a different side of Washington Street. They went through the alley. The wrecked cars from earlier were on opposite sides on the edges of the alley. Cars 1 and 2 were in a single-file line: car 2 in front, car 1 in back. 2 swerved out of the alley, split-seconds later followed by car 1. The cars were sure to be after the Batman but not to fall for his tricks and stay behind while being after him. For 5 minutes they kept up the chase. After that 5 minutes Batman’s car swerved into a nearby construction site by swerving into the gate and knocking that area of the gate down. The police swerved in and followed. There was a crane and Batman hit a pile of explosive crates, making the explosives explode and making the car fly up into the crane’s hook. Batman’s car was hanging by the crane hook. Then the Batman hit the gas pedal so hard that it made the crane’s hook drive down with him to the surface of the construction site while still both attached to the crane. At the last moment Batman hit the gas pedal so hard that the Batman’s car flew off the hook and drove away. What happened to car 2 was not so lucky: his car was attached to the hook of the crane and the hook flew up with him. Then car 2 was stuck dangling. Car 1 came after the Dynamic Duo’s car. It sped after them for 3 minutes. After that 3 minutes, The two cars were close to a pile of wet cement. When the Batman’s car and Police car 1 were right next to each other Batman started hitting the car for 15 seconds and then car 1 flew into the pile of wet cement. After the chase the Dynamic Duo’s car exited the construction site and were driving along a city road when
A building had exploded.
Chapter 6.
Batman immediately stopped the car. “C’mon, Robin,” he said. They rushed out of the car and quickly slammed the car doors behind them. They ran up to the building and removed their ropes from their belts. They threw the ropes up and climbed up to the window. They climbed into the building. They quickly put their ropes away and ran to help the trapped in the burning building. The Dynamic Duo started helping people and threw their ropes down from the building and onto the safety of the sidewalk below. Batman suddenly saw a man throwing pellets which, seconds afterward, would blow up into flames. Of course! That was the man who started the fire and was helping it spread! “Robin, I need you to go after that man over there” Batman yelled to Robin. “Okay” Robin yelled back. And with that, Robin took off after the man. And Robin disappeared into the flames.
Shortly afterward, the man was running around, throwing pellets of Gasoline. Then he was suddenly thrown backward by a thing that hit him which immediately took the breath out of him. Robin dropped down and attacked the man. The man got up and attacked messily with a bunch of Karate moves all combined into one. Robin was overwhelmed, flying backward and getting attacked like a wolf eating a man. Robin’s legs flew upward in a strong kick to the face. The man was surprised, but not overwhelmed like Robin earlier in the fight. Robin immediately sprung up and attacked again with an overwhelming kick to the face. The man stepped back to keep his balance. This made him vulnerable to attack. So before he could even see it coming, he was struck with another overwhelming kick to the chest. He flew backward through some wood and onto his back. Robin jumped and did a forward handstand on the man’s stomach. This move knocked the wind out of him. Robin did a bunch of messy Boxing and Karate moves on his face. The man sprung up suddenly and threw Robin through the hole in which he had crashed through earlier. The man jumped out and removed a gasoline pellet. He threw it at Robin when suddenly, Batman leaped in front of the pellet and threw it at the man in mid-air. The pellet landed in front of the man and seconds afterward blew him back. He was thrown backwards through some wood and through the wooden floor. He crashed on the floor below. Batman and Robin leaped through the hole in the wall and jumped down onto the floor below. Batman sprung forward and did a long leap, in the process hitting the man and sending himself and the man through a wooden wall. Batman got up and got into a stance with his fists raised. Batman did a flying to the man’s head but the man grabbed his ankle, twisted it in mid-air, and threw Batman down. The man held the Batman down but the Batman kicked the man in the Stomach and threw him away from him. Suddenly a burning beam collapsed on the man, and the man burst into flames. “C’mon, Robin, time to go” the Batman said. He and Robin walked away to the collapsing stairs and quickly got to the floor above as each stair collapsed beneath them. They ran over to the rope, climbed down to the sidewalk, and evacuated the lobby and knocked out a man in the security room. After that, they knocked out some police officers who had arrived at the scene when they were fighting the man, and stole 1 of their costumes. They then loaded the man in the surveillance room into the back seat of the car, and sped off to the Wayne Mansion.
Chapter 7.
The next morning, Bruce Wayne loaded the piece of the couch with the dry blood on it to figure out who’s blood it was. The machine was very futuristic, and could tell anyone what anything was and who it belonged to. When it scanned it it turned out it was Albert Shwarch’s blood. So he was murdered. Well of course he was. Who wouldn’t be bleeding if they were shot? He turned his attention to another problem: who had murdered him? And if he could still find out, Where was he Or She currently? Luckily he also had a device for that. He walked over to another machine in his bedroom and flicked the ON button. The machine turned on and Bruce Inserted the piece of the couch with the blood on it into the machine. The machine immediately typed out the information for him. The place where the Killer was right now was:
So that was where he was. Tonight he was going there, and no one was stopping him.
Chapter 8.
Batman and Robin got out of the car. They shut their doors behind them. The Dynamic Duo ran over to the fence and jumped up high enough so that they were at the edge of the gate. The next thing they did was swing there selves over the fence. They dropped down. Then they ran through the darkness. They searched for about 3 hours by searching every tombstone. They did not fine anything. So Batman put on his Infra-Red glasses. He saw footprints. “Robin, Get behind me” the Batman said. Robin got behind the Batman and they walked for 20 minutes following the footprints. When the footprints finally stopped it was in front of a Mausoleum. The Batman took off his Infra-Red Glasses. He put them away and took out his Baterang. He gouged it deep in the lock, and the lock fell off. The Batman put his Baterang away and he and Robin entered the mausoleum. They did not see any entrance to any secret area. He tried jumping on every spot on the ground, but nothing came up. No secret elevator or anything. Then he tried tapping 1 one wall. That did not work. Then he tried tapping another wall. That did not work either. He tried another wall. Still did not work. He tried tapping another wall. That did not work. He tried another wall. That DID work. The wall came apart. It revealed another part of the wall. It was an elevator. Blue light shone out of it. The Dynamic Duo stepped in. The wall closed and 15 seconds later the wall opened. Batman and Robin stepped out. They looked around at the underground hideout. It was a metal dome with a giant leather chair In the center. Right now it was facing away from them. “The Batman and Robin. I have been looking forward to this moment.” The chair swerved around, and it revealed the man, only he was not the same looking man as they had seen him before: His face was black. It almost looked like coal. In fact, His whole body was black. “ My name is Shark. I am a terrorist From Ulm, Germany. I rule 187 small villages in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. And now, I am spreading my rule to North America. So, byebie for now!” Shark immediately grabbed two guns and shot at Batman in the face, and Robin in the same area. They both fell down.
Chapter 9.
Batman woke up in a dark room. The room, for some reason, was pitch black. Then the lights flicked on, revealing Shark in the room. “So, the great Batman is the weak Batman” Shark said. “How do you know who I am?” The Batman said. “Of course I know of the criminal underworld and, I also know their aftermaths. Most of them that are in New York are taken down by the Batman. Anyway, let’s get to work.” Shark lifted the Batman up and carried him into another room. There was an operation table in the middle of the room. Shark laid the Batman down on the table and straightened him out. Shark clasped down 1 of the 4 metal bars on the table on top of the Batman’s Left wrist. He walked around to the other side of the operation table and clamped down another metal bar on the Batman’s Right wrist. Shark went around to the opposite side of the table and clamped down a metal bar on the Batman’s Left ankle. He walked over to the opposite side of the table and clamped down a metal bar on the Batman’s right ankle.